Rainforest Cafe | Installation

 Rainforest Cafe

Curated by Higinio Martinez

Opening Reception: Saturday, June 1, 2024, 6 - 9 pm

Showing: June 1st - July 6th, 2024

Guerrero Gallery is proud to present Rainforest Cafe, a group exhibition curated by Higinio Martinez, featuring works by twenty artists hailing from Los Angeles and beyond.

Featured Artists: Frances Stark, Ben Quinn, Karin Gulbran, Mia Scarpa, Melvino Garetti, Javier Ramirez, Sonya Sombreuil, Maija Peeples-Bright, Jason Meadows, Matthew Sweesy, Nina de Creeft Ward, Athena Paola, Julianne Lee, Ava Woo Kaufman, Rossana Romero, Thomas Linder, Jack Alving, Lara Karadogan, Ava McDonough and Oskar Peterson